The Town of Newmarket's Economic Development office is here to help your business succeed. We provide business support and resources, assist with partnership opportunities, provide demographic and market information and ensure you have the tools you need to thrive in our community.
Economic Development Strategy
In 2010, Newmarket adopted its first economic development strategy, focused on driving economic development in the community through key sectors, including health care, knowledge and advanced manufacturing. In 2021, the strategy was updated by the Newmarket Economic Development Advisory Committee (NEDAC) to reflect changing economic circumstances and emerging new trends and priorities. With a focus on Innovation, Collaboration and Urbanization this positions Newmarket for a new era of growth and prosperity.
The latest strategy focuses on Business Attraction and Marketing, Building an Entrepreneurial Eco-system and Community Vibe-rancy. The strategy builds on the success of the previous plans and leverages Newmarket's unique approach to business built on collaboration, innovative thinking and community support. Learn more about Newmarket's current Economic Development Strategy.
Please contact:
Economic Development, Office of the CAO
Town of Newmarket
395 Mulock Dr
P.O. Box 328 Station Main
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 4X7
Telephone: 905.953.5300 Ext. 2612
Toll Free: 1.877.550.5575 Ext. 2612
Fax: 905.953.5131