Enforcement of Zoning By-laws


Municipal Office

395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

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Here are some Zoning By-law 2010-40 provisions residence should know about. Our team of Municipal Enforcement Officers proactively patrol the community, with the goal of educating residents on the standards for the following key areas:

Boats and Trailers

Recreational vehicles, including ATVs and boats, and utility trailers are not meant to be stored full time on residential properties in Newmarket. 

Key points:

  • Can only be located on a driveway up to 8 days per calendar month, all season long.
  • Any boat or trailer located on a driveway must be in good working condition.
  • Trailers, RVs and ATVs on the driveaway require appropriate licence plates.
  • Trailers, RVs and ATVs can be stored in the rear or side yard of a property year-round – provided there is always a minimum of a 1 metre setback from the property line.
  • Can be stored within an enclosed garage.
Residential Accessory Structures

These are structures that stand alone from the home, including:

  • changeroom/cabana or swimming pool equipment structure
  • play structures
  • dog house or dog run
  • gazebo
  • greenhouse
  • shed
  • patio shelter
  • basketball nets permanently affixed to the ground
  • Stand alone solar panels

This does not include a detached garage which must comply with the setbacks for the zone on the property.

Accessory structures must adhere to restrictions on height, location from the property line and cannot be used for home occupations. See the full restrictions outlined here

Home Occupations

A Home Occupation is a lawful occupation or business which is conducted entirely within a dwelling unit and is secondary to the primary use of the dwelling as a residence.

Some key points:

  • Can be located in the dwelling unit. NOT permitted in a detached garage or accessory building.
  • At most, 35% of floor area (up to 452 square feet in the home) may be used for the home occupation.
  • No outdoor storage of material or equipment related to the home occupation is permitted.
  • Off-street parking spaces shall be provided.

The following home occupations are NOT permitted:

  • medical clinic
  • nursing home
  • tea room
  • veterinary clinic/hospital
  • automotive uses
  • body rub parlour

See here for more on Home Occupations

Accessory Dwelling Units

An accessory Dwelling Unit, often referred to as an apartment, is a separate dwelling unit that is located within the structure of a detached or semi-detached dwelling.

Some key points:

  • Accessory Dwelling Units must be registered through the Town's Building Division. Visit the Municipal Offices (395 Mulock Drive) to speak with a planner, email the department at building@newmarket.ca or call 905-953-5300 ext.2400.
  • Only permitted in detached or semi-detached dwellings.
  • The primary dwelling unit must be serviced by full municipal water and sewer services.
  • The residence must have a minimum of four (4) parking spaces.

See here for more on Accessory Dwelling Units


A deck is a platform, with no solid roof or walls, which is constructed on piers or a foundation above finished grade, adjacent to a ground floor or walk out basement wall.

Some key points:

  • You may require a building permit. Contact the Building Division to determine if your deck requires a permit. Visit the Municipal Offices (395 Mulock Drive) to speak with a planner, email the department at building@newmarket.ca or call 905-953-5300 ext.2400.
  • Various setbacks from rear and side lot lines, depending on the height of the deck.
  • No solid roof or walls are permitted.
  • Steps must be outside of the minimum setback requirements
  • See here for more on Decks

Additional Resources: