Waste, Recycling and Organics


Collection Information 

The Town of Newmarket offers curbside collection for residential green bin organicsblue box recyclinggarbageappliances and large items, and seasonal yard waste. Waste materials must be placed at the curb no later than 7 a.m. on your scheduled collection day and no earlier than 5 p.m. the night before collection. Please remove emptied containers and any uncollected waste from the curb by 8 p.m. on collection day. To determine your collection day, please refer to the Waste and Recycling Calendar or download the Recycle Coach App.

For the latest information on today's collection, please visit GFL's update page or email WasteLine@gflenv.com. This page will be updated throughout the day with the latest information on late pickups and missed runs. ​For missed collections or waste collection inquiries, please call GFL at 1-​866-421-​5625. 

If you received an 'oops' sticker with your waste and recycling collection, please view Green for Life's (GFL) 'oops sticker' page for more infor​ma​tion. Learn more about acceptable and unacceptable Garbage, Green Bin and Blue Box items​.

Waste and Recycling Tips during COVID
  • Throw used tissues, latex gloves and masks in a wastebasket lined with a plastic bag in the garbage. Do not place these items in the recycling bin.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water after throwing those items away as well as after emptying your wastebasket.
  • Tie all plastic bags and put them out with your regular trash.
  • All garbage bags need to be tied when set out at the curb. Loose materials left in garbage cans may be left behind.
  • If out in the community, please do not litter these items. Place in a trash can or take home to go in your own garbage. Littering these materials on the ground is unacceptable and poses a risk to the public, workers and the environment.
  • Litter clean up in these unprecedented times should be done with caution. Residents who choose to pick up garbage off the ground should wear gloves and immediately perform hand hygiene afterwards. They should either wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • For those who are sick or test positive for COVID-19: Place all disposable items that have come into contact with your mouth, nose or eyes into the garbage -- this includes recyclables such as plastic water bottles, pop cans or milk cartons, or compostables such as facial tissue or paper napkins.
  • For your safety and that of our waste collectors, it's vital that you respect physical distancing. Please keep a distance of 2 metres (6 feet) at all times.
  • Double-bag and place rapid at-home test kit materials in the garbage (please ensure bag is securely tied before placing in the garbage). Paper boxes and instructions can be placed in the Blue Box for recycling. Businesses must make arrangements with a private company to dispose of this item (click here for more information).

Download the Recycle Coach app!recycle coach logo

Download the Recycle Coach app on your mobile devices for all your waste and recycling needs. Never miss another collection! Download the Recycle Coach app from the App Store or on Google Play and get collection reminders, customized notifications, program updates and lots more!  ​  

What Goes Where 

Not sure which items go where? Make sure you are properly disposing your waste, recycling and green bin items. Use the Recycle Coach web application below. Type the item that you are looking to dispose of below and see where it belongs. 

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