Water Rates


The Town of Newmarket is responsible for providing water services to all residents and business customers. On the Town's behalf, NT Power reads the water meters, bills customers for their water usage on NT Power  bills, and handles all inquiries. To ensure accurate and timely billing, NT Power  takes readings on a monthly basis. If you have questions regarding your water bill, please give the NT Power  a call at 905-895-2309.

Property owners are responsible for ensuring the water bill is paid on time and in full and responsible for keeping the NT Power informed of any changes to your account (new tenant, moving etc.) 

Tenants who are on the account are responsible for ensuring their water bill is paid on time. If tenants do not pay the bill on time, the Town may transfer the unpaid balance to the property owner’s tax account for collection and apply an administrative fee as stipulated under Section 398 of the Municipal Act, 2001. S.O. 2001, Chapter 25,

If a tenant does not pay their utility bill, landlords can reach out to the Landlord and Tenant Board for more information and to file a claim for unpaid utilities from a former tenant.

For more information on water rates, please contact the Customer Service department at 905-895-5193 or by email at info@newmarket.ca

​Utility Rates
​2024 Rates
2025 Rates 


​Volumetric Rate
(per 100 cubic feet)
(per cubic metre)
(per 100 cubic feet)
(per cubic metre) ​
​Flat Rate - no meter (monthly)
​Basic Charge (monthly)
​2" Meter Monthly Charge 
​​3" Meter Monthly Charge 
​​4" Meter Monthly Charge 
6" Meter Monthly Charge
8" Meter Monthly Charge
​10" Meter Monthly Charge


​Volumetric Rate
(per 100 cubic feet)
(per cubic metre)
(per 100 cubic feet)
(per cubic metre) 
​Flat Rate - no meter (monthly)
​Basic Charge (monthly)
2" Meter Monthly Charge 
3" ​Meter Monthly Charge 
​4" Meter Monthly Charge
​6" Meter Monthly Charge
​8" Meter Monthly Charge
​10" Meter Monthly Charge 

Rates for the Average Industrial, institutional and commercial customer 

Average Bill
​2024 Rates
​200 Cubic metres annual average consumption     
​2" Industrial, institutional, Commercial customer
​3" Industrial, institutional, Commercial customer​$39,513.00
4" Industrial, institutional, Commercial customer 

Tiered water rates

Newmarket Council has approved a tiered water rate structure in 2017 where the larger the consumers' water meter, the more the consumer will pay. This structure will phase-in over a four-year period beginning July 2017. 

The Town is moving towards a water rate structure because of a decrease in water consumption in the recent years. While this is beneficial to the environment and aligns with the Town's commitment to environmental sustainability, most of the costs associated with maintaining the water system - like water quality testing and water main repairs remain the same. As a result, the tiered water rate structure will ensure a fair user-pay system. 

The average resident and two thirds of businesses will not be affected by the new tiered water rate structure. Businesses with larger water meters will be impacted the most. This is because customers with large water metres consume more water, therefore will be required to pay more for consumption under the new rate structure. These users also put greater strain on the water and wastewater infrastructure due to expensive maintenance and replacement costs to large water metres. This new structure will go a long way in making water and wastewater more affordable for residences and small businesses in subsequent years.

The tiered water rates will be phase-in over four years following the standardized meter equivalency factor set by the American Water Works Association​.​

For more information on the tiered water rate structure, please call 905-895-5193.

​​​​​​​​To learn more about our water system visit, www.york.ca/wateris. Explore a variety of frequently asked questions about our drinking water and wastewater and watch behind the scenes videos on where our drinking water comes from, how it is treated, and the highly-trained people behind our system.​