Driveway Widening and Curb Cuts

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The Town of Newmarket has policies and a zoning by-law in place that sets out specific limits on the size, width and location of the driveway. These limits vary from property to property. Before starting any work, it is recommended that you learn more about the process by viewing information on this page and contacting the Town of Newmarket. 

Driveway Widening 

A building permit is not required to widen your driveway. However, Newmarket's Zoning By-laws set out specific limits on the size, width, and location of driveways to limit the amount of hard surface in the front yard for aesthetic and drainage, to allow enough space for boulevard trees and future plantings and to maximize on-street parking. 

Please familiarize yourself with the restrictions and limitations around driveway widths and parking. 

These limits vary property to property. In general, the zoning by-laws allow for driveway widths based on the type of dwelling as follows:

  • Single-detached dwellings - 6.0 metres
  • Semi-detached dwellings - 5.2 metres
  • Townhouse dwellings - 3.0 metres 

These figures are not a guarantee, and should be confirmed with the Planning Department before you undertake any work. Failture to do so may results in a fine and require you to revert the driveway back to its original form. Learn more by viewing this Driveway Widening and Parking diagram. 

For questions about how wide your driveway can be or where driveways are allowed, please email the Planning Department at 

Curb Cuts 

Prior to widening a driveway, residents can apply to have their curb cut. Please note that only Town staff or contractors authorized by the Town are permitted to modify Town-owned street curbs. Curb cuts are regulated in the Town of Newmarket to ensure:

  • Compliance with the Zoning By-laws
  • Safe distances from street infrastructure (hydro boxes, hydrants, streetlights)
  • Protection of trees

Curb Cut Guidelines 

In order to apply for a curb cut application, driveways must be a minimum of:

  • 0.6 away from an adjacent property line
  • 1.5 m away from any street infrastructure
  • A sufficient distance from any Town-owned tree to prevent injury. This will vary depending on the size of the tree, and is at the discretion of the Town's Supervisor of Forestry.

Curb Cut Application Process 

Please note that Curb Cut Applications will only be accepted April until October 31 of the current year. 

  1. Prepare a drawing using a copy of your property survey. The property survey or drawing must show:
    1. Existing driveway width
    2. Proposed driveway width
    3. Width between sidewalk and curb
    4. Property lines
    5. Any trees, utilities, streetlights, hydro poles, or other fixtures and measurements from all of these to your proposed driveway and property lines, measured in metres
  2. Fill out an Curb Cut Application Form online. 
    1. You can also complete a hard copy of the Curb Cut Application Form and email it to or drop it off in person to the Municipal Offices (395 Mulock Drive). 
  3. Once the application has been approved, the Town will investigate the site to determine whether adjustments to the existing sidewalk are required. The Town's inspector will also review other potential conflicts including utility infrastructure (e.g. telecommunications pedestals, hydro poles, etc) and street trees that could potentially compromise driveway widening. If no conflicts exist, the Town's inspector will mark the limits of the proposed widening with paint in preparation of the contractor's visit. This process usually takes two to three weeks.
  4. The fee paid for a curb cut application is strictly to cover the curb cut only. Any additional fees required to move/adjust infrastructure (e.g. move pedestals, move hydro poles, complete sidewalk reconstrution, etc) is not included with the curb cut fee and will be the sole responsibility of the applicant.
  5. The Town will contact you to advise you of the outcome of your application.

Please note:

  • Curb cut requests in new or 'un-assumed' subdivisions are not approved through this process. Homeowners are asked to wait until their subdivision has been assumed by the Town, before they apply for a curb cut. Alternatively, homeowners can contact their builder and request the curb adjustment. All curb cuts will be performed by the Town's contractor. 
  • Do not modify the municipal curb yourself. 
  • The application fees must be paid in full prior to any cut being initiated. The applicant will be responsible for any extra costs, if applicable (see below for details).

Curb Cut Fees  

If your application has been approved, the fee will be $377.09 including HST in accordance with the Town's Fees and Charges By-law.

Telecommunications and Hydro Infrastructure

Homeowners are responsible for making arrangements with the respective telecommunications companies and/or Newmarket-Tay Hydro should conflicts exist with their proposed driveway widening. For additional information, conditions of approval and associated fees for moving utility infrastructure within the municipal right-of-way, please contact the appropriate party.

Sidewalk Adjustment

Sometimes, certain conditions will require sidewalk reconstruction. If this is the case, homeowners can choose to either use the Town’s sidewalk contractor or hire their own contractor, since scheduling the Town’s sidewalk contractor is often difficult and may delay the project.

If the homeowner decides to utilize the Town’s sidewalk contractor, the estimated cost for the sidewalk reconstruction will be provided to the homeowner. Please note that scheduling of the sidewalk contactor is completed by a third party and the Town of Newmarket cannot provide an exact timeframe for sidewalk reconstruction.

Should the homeowner choose to hire their own contractor to reconstruct the sidewalk, the homeowner’s contractor must first obtain a Road Occupancy Permit (ROP) before starting any work in the municipal right-of-way. The contractor will be required to reconstruct the sidewalk to the applicable Town Standards.

In order to avoid creating a public health and safety hazard, the scheduling of the curb cut and the scheduling of the sidewalk reconstruction must occur in close succession to one another, with the curb cut occurring first. It is the homeowners responsibility to coordinate these activities. The Town of Newmarket requires a minimum of seventy-two (72) hours notice in order to arrange a time for the curb cut contractor to visit and complete the curb cut.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Do I need a permit to widen my driveway?
A building permit is not required to widen your driveway. However, Newmarket's Zoning By-laws set out specific limits on the size, width, and location of driveways. These limits vary property to property. In general, the zoning by-laws allow for driveway widths based on the type of dwelling as follows:
  • Single-detached dwellings - 6 metres
  • Semi-detached dwellings - 5.2 metres
  • Townhouse dwellings - 3.0 metres 

These figures are not a guarantee, and should be confirmed with the Planning Department before you undertake any work. Failture to do so may results in a fine and require you to revert the driveway back to its original form. For questions about how wide your driveway can be or where driveways are allowed, please email the Planning Department at 

Why does the Town of Newmarket regulate how wide my driveway can be?
Newmarket's Zoning Bylaws set out specific limits on the size, width and location of the driveway to ensure proper land use to maintain adequate green space to manage stormwater runoff and large surfaces which can contribute to sewer overflow during heavy rainfall which could cause flooding in your neighbourhood. The maximum driveway limits also ensure enough space for boulevard trees and future plantings and to maximize on-street visitor parking. 
Can I cover my front yard with a driveway, or interlocking stone?
No. The zoning by-law allows a driveway up to a maximum width and in many cases also allows a narrow walkway beside the driveway of a different surface material. Such a walkway cannot be used for parking. Beyond a driveway and a walkway, a front yard must be maintained as landscaped area.
Can I park on the street if I do not have room on my driveway?

The Town's parking by-law limits where and for how long you can park on a street. Learn more by visiting the Town's parking regulations webpage. 

What do I do if I need temporary parking for visitors?
The Town offers a temporary parking permit for on-street parking in some cases. Learn more by visiting the Town's Parking Exemption Program webpage. 


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