Latest News and Plan Status


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395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

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Phase One

Information Gathering and Background Analysis (August – October, 2017)

The study will commence with the collection, review and analysis of relevant background information, which will inform the preparation of the Background Report. 

Background Reports (February, 2018)

The Background Reports provide an overview of key analytical findings, identify key opportunities and constraints, and set the stage for the preparation of the Draft Tertiary Plan. The Background Reports have been prepared and presented to the Committee of the Whole on February 26, 2018 (video link available here).  The reports are available to download below. 

Planning & Land Use Background Report, prepared by SvN Planners & Architects, dated February 2018.

Infrastructure & Natural Heritage Background Study, prepared by Dillon Consulting, dated February 2018.

See alsoVisualization, Massing and Height Study, prepared by Sweeny Sterling Finlayson &Co Architects, dated February 2010.

Phase Two

Draft Vision Statement and Guiding Principles (February, 2018)

The Background Report findings will be used to inform the preparation of the draft Vision Statement and set of Guiding Principles, which will establish a framework by which to prepare the Draft Tertiary Plan. The Draft Vision and Guiding Principles will be presented to the public and stakeholders during Public Consultation Session #2, and will be presented to the Committee of the Whole, in order to obtain feedback to inform the preparation of the Draft Tertiary Plan.

Draft Tertiary Plan (September, 2018)

The Draft Tertiary Plan incorporates a draft vision, guiding principles, policies and supporting schedules, and implementation strategy to guide future development within the Old Main Street neighbourhood. 

On September 17th, 2018 a report was presented to Committee of the Whole requesting permission to hold the Public Meeting for the Tertiary Plan. It is Item 5.2 of the Revised Agenda.

After the Open House held in November 2017, staff made some changes to the Draft Tertiary Plan and a second version was issued dated January 2019. 

Phase Three

Approval of Final Tertiary Plan and Adoption of the Offcial Plan Amendment (April 2019)

After Public Consultation Session #4, the Statutory Public Meeting, Town Staff presented the Final Tertiary Plan to the Committee of the Whole for approval on April 8 2019. At the same meeting Staff presented the Official Plan Amendment which brings the Tertiary Plan into effect.  The Town has received an exemption from the Regional approval process. The Notice of Passing has been sent out and the appeal period ends May 14th, 2019.

The Tertiary Plan as adopted by Council is available here

The adopting By-law and Official Plan Amendment document are also available. 


Preparation of Implementing Zoning By-law (2019)

Following approval of the Final Tertiary Plan and Official Plan Amendment, Town of Newmarket Planning Staff may prepare an amendment to the Town of Newmarket Zoning By-law, in order to implement the policies of the Old Main Street Tertiary Plan. The consulting team has prepared a Zoning By-law Directions Report to provide guidance on what that zoning by-law could look like. It is currently in draft form and staff are accepting comments on the document. There will be a notice of the Public Meeting for the implementing zoning by-law distributed when the date has been set. 

Notice of Old Main Street Tertiary Plan Area - Master Plan Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study (2023) 

Newmarket has completed a Master Plan Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study for improvements for water, wastewater, storm drainage and road infrastructure needed to support the Town’s policies in the Old Main Street Tertiary Plan. The study area is shown in the figure below. This Master Plan has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Municipal Engineers Association, October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015) under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. This process included indigenous, public and review agency consultation, evaluation of alternatives, assessment of potential environmental impacts of the proposed improvements and identification of reasonable measures to mitigate any adverse impacts. The EA identified a new urban road cross section, improvements to the existing wastewater and water systems and improvements to the storm drainage system. Further details are provided within the Master Plan. The Final Master Plan that documents the planning and decision-making process for this study is now available for public review from Feburary 2 to March 6, 2023. 

Written comments can be provided to the Town of Newmarket Sepideh Majdi, P.Eng. at 
