VivaNext Rapidways
The Viva Rapidways along Davis Drive and Yonge Street are now complete. More than simply a bus rapid transit system, these
projects create pedestrian-friendly boulevards; green spaces, updated utilities, and modern pedestrian amenities that contribute to vibrant corridors. These rapidways now provide fast, reliable transit along Davis Drive and Yonge Street that brings the community together, literally and figuratively, connecting with the Newmarket GO Station, Upper Canada Mall, Southlake Regional Healthcare Centre, the GO Park and Ride facility at Highway 404, and York Region Headquarters on Yonge Street. This rapidway system has set the stage for even more growth and intensification within Newmarket's Urban Centre's Secondary Plan area.
Sustainability and Green Economy

Newmarket's Urban Centre's Secondary Plan encourages the development of sustainable buildings through the use of green roofs, renewable energy generation and use, and Low Impact Development (LID) techniques. The use of alternative energy sources includes rooftop solar panels, high-efficiency building materials and rainwater harvesting.
The Town of Newmarket is one of only a few municipalities in Ontario to have an approved Community Energy Plan. This Plan examined methods to increase energy efficiency, stabilize energy costs and increase energy reliability. This Plan recommends the creation of financial programs for energy efficiency retrofits and Solar Photovoltaic (PV) opportunities. At a high level, this Plan also discusses the possibility of a District Energy strategy for key areas/corridors within the Town which would have significant economic development benefits such as increased energy reliance and more stable energy costs.
Advanced Communications 
The Town has prioritized bringing broadband fibre optics to large sections of the Town's employment areas, including the Davis Drive and Yonge Street corridors. Learn more about Newmarket's Gigabit Corridor project.
ENVI is the Town's new municipally-owned internet service provider. ENVI is building a pure fibre optic network, within the Town of Newmarket with a goal of providing enhanced internet connectivity to existing and potentially new businesses in the area.
Rail Connection
Newmarket has long been connected to downtown Toronto and other parts of the Greater Toronto Area by the GO rail system, however this connection is about to strengthen. As part of its Regional Express Rail program, Metrolinx has identified Newmarket for improved GO Train service, including the electrification of the rail corridor, which will result in increased train service to and from downtown Toronto.
Mobility Hub
A Mobility Hub Study for the Newmarket GO Station (Tannery) has been completed by Metrolinx, the Town of Newmarket and other agencies. The purpose of this study was to identify opportunities to improve the GO Station and the surrounding area over the short and long-term. Key GO station improvements are focused on better integration with local transit, improved signage and wayfinding, new pedestrian and cycling connections, and enhanced customer amenities such as bicycle parking, pick-up and drop-off areas, ticketing and transit plazas. The Mobility Hub Study is available in its entirety, here.
Southlake Regional Healthcare Centre 
Located along the Davis Drive corridor, one of the leading employers in the Town is the Southlake Regional Health Centre. The regionally designated, clinically advanced hospital includes a large and growing research and teaching component. The Secondary Plan supports these uses by permitting a host of medical, medically-related and research uses in proximity to this leading institution.
Southlake Regional Health Centre is also home to CreateIT Now, a healthcare-focused innovation centre. CreateIT Now opens doors for breakthroughs in the health sciences sector, with the potential to once again put the community on a world stage.