Newmarket is poised for growth. While the majority of this will occur through the redevelopment of the Davis Drive and Yonge Street corridors, there are still other areas of Town which are facing development interest. One of these areas is the neighbourhood of Old Main Street. As such the Town is undertaking an investigation into how much redevelopment can be supported in the area through a Tertiary Plan process.
What is a Tertiary Plan?
A Tertiary Plan is a policy document which sets out guidelines for development within a certain, small and specific area within the municipality. Tertiary Plans consider all of the planning elements that official plan and secondary plans speak to, such as density, unit type and housing mix, and land use. Engineering elements such as servicing capacity, road networks, stormwater management are also considered. Natural heritage and natural hazard features, such as wooded areas, potential steep slopes, and the flood plain area could all be studied.

The Motivation
The Tertiary Plan provides direction on the possibilities of redevelopment along Old Main Street. The Plan incorporates a detailed review and analysis of relevant background information, as well as a robust public and stakeholder consultation process.
Policies will be prepared to address all relevant matters with respect to land use, density, storm water management, low impact development, transportation and servicing infrastructure, open space and natural heritage. Additionally, the Plan will incorporate urban design policies which aim to reinforce the character of the Old Main Street neighbourhood. Such policies may address matters pertaining to building height and massing, building elements, garages and driveways, setbacks and landscaping, special features, and built heritage.
The Plan is part of an amendment to the Town of Newmarket Official Plan, and informs an implementing amendment to the Town of Newmarket Zoning By-law.